A Re-Evaluation of Historical Sources


    This paper seeks to re  - evaluate sources of historical study and underscore its relevance in historical research. This is aimed at re-establishing their relevance and make for a better understanding of their parameters and position in historical research. It is pertinent and unarguable to state that the past which is the subject concern of history cannot be left to mere speculation. Historical accounts are always presented in consistent, coherent and systematic ordered method of historical inquiry. Thus, this paper is built around history as a subject matter and its methodology in historical research. The study is based on qualitative evaluation of dominant approaches to the study of History and it is methodology. It therefore, subsist that history is deeply rooted in historical inquiry to such extent as to determine what actually happened in the past, why it happened and how it happened. It is not just through a systematic collation of beliefs and practices, but also through critical analysis of all other sources and branches of knowledge that are capable of serving historical ends and in this way, adopt a multidisciplinary approach and root explanation on the principle of causation.

    Keywords: History, Sources, Methodology, Historical inquiry

    DOI: 10.36349/sokotojh.2021.v10i01.001

    author/Udochu Eke

    journal/Sokoto JH | Vol. 10 |  Page 2-11
