The paper discusses the strategies and approaches adopted by the Christian missionaries along the Nigerian and Niger Republic border to influence and convert the people to accept the religion. The Christian missionaries introduced different socio-economic activities and sometimes political diplomacy to influence the mental and moral behavior of the people. The missionaries saw themselves as light to the society through civilization and western education; they marked themselves as superior through widespread of western literacy, modern hygiene, firearms, crops, shoes, clothing, canned goods, bicycles, compasses and lamps. Along the Nigeria-Niger border, certain economic incentives were used by the missionaries to attracts new converts. The missions also developed certain teaching techniques as learning procedures to train converts to imbibe commercial character to obtain income and sustain their life. The paper investigates what these strategies are and how they facilitate the evangelization process of the Nigeria-Niger border communities.
Key Words: Christianity, Evangelization, Nigeria, Niger, Border Communities
DOI: 10.36349/sokotojh.2022.v11i01.007