Roads and railway lines are two colonial infrastructures that have great impact on the colonial economy as well as the indigenous people. Roads and railways were established and constructed by the colonialist, principally for the exploitation and easy evacuation of the needed resources to the coast for onward shipment to Europe. The paper examines the impact of roads and railway on the economy and society of Zamfara area in the colonial and post-colonial periods. Historical approach of inquiry was used in which both primary and secondary sources of information were used. The paper revealed that, roads and railway networks was used as a means of exploitation and evacuation of agricultural resources by the colonialist. Other impacts of roads and railways in the area include migration, population increase and physical expansion. It also led to the emergence of companies/industries which led to the increase in commercial activities and urbanization among others.
Keywords: Roads, Railways, Construction, Impact, Zamfara
DOI: 10.36349/sokotojh.2022.v11i01.001