The history of irregular migration in West African extends over several generations prior to the twentieth century. Migration is an international phenomenon which has been of age and continues in modern times. This paper intends to show that the issue of migration is a complex one and most dynamic process that affects all nations of the world. In West Africa, it is complicated and sentimental issue, as the people are historically culturally and ethically linked. In the West African region, migration can be explained theoretically from economic stand point. Economic theories of migration are one of such theories. Generally, economic, social and environmental factors are among the motivators of migration. The paper found out that migration in West African is weighted down by general poverty, widespread unemployment, unstable politics, ethno religious conflicts, rapidly growing population, declining agricultural productivity, rural exodus to large cities, porous borders and corruption. The irregular and criminally induced migration has become a permanent feature of cross border activities, of which government in West Africa continues to spend great resources to combat it. The effects of globalization have made it increasingly easy for migrants to maintain close links with their country of origin. The paper concludes that the persistent and deepening cases of smuggling and human trafficking in the sub-region should be curtailed because it is causing serious security and political problems in the sub – region.
Keywords: Migration, ECOWAS, Human Trafficking, Poverty, Insecurity,
DOI: 10.36349/sokotojh.2021.v10i01.010