Most African people remain victims of migration to developed countries in search of greener pastures and probably good education. This is a serious challenge confronting virtually all classes of people on the Continent of Africa. Solutions of different kinds in some Africa countries like provision of basic amenities, improvement in the economic sector and good welfare packages for citizens were proffered. Despite these alternatives, the rate of migration continues to increase daily. Most of the migrants see migration to developed countries as an alternative to escape the bad government, insecurity, bad economic policies, hardship and poor education. In the course of the adventures of the migrants to the West, many have died, while others continue to find it difficult to cope with the economic policy of the new country they found themselves. Notwithstanding, international migration particularly as it concerns African people, has led to the exportation of human capital to the west, economic meltdown, neglect of agriculture and other social problems. This paper which adopts an analytical and historical method of research argues that the Africa government should initiate a policy of social and economic reforms that will checkmate the mass exodus of the youth to the West. The work, therefore, suggests that the government of many African nations should avoid maladministration and mismanagement of funds. This is because it contributes immensely to the problem of underdevelopment in Africa.
Keywords: Migration, Social Impact, African countries, Maladministration
DOI: 10.36349/sokotojh.2021.v10i01.004