ISSN: 2350-1693
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Reflections on Policy Reforms in Nigeria’s Primary Education, 1882-2020
Abstract Primary education, as the basic foundation for all subsequent levels of educational system, has been considered worldwide as the ke...
The Economy of Wudil Territory in Pre-Colonial Era
Abstract Studies on the economies of the towns and villages that made up Kano region's economy have not been exhausted. It is against th...
Inter-Group Relations and Conflicts in Jos Metropolis: A Study of Hausa Migrants and Host Community, 1915-2022
Abstract: The study of inter-group relations in Nigeria is a heavily tasked subject because of the impact it has had in the nation in the a...
Sultan Timimoune Souleymane, Builder of the City of Zinder
Abstract: Born in the first half of the 18th century, Damagaram was an appendage of Borno until the accession of Tanimoune Dari to power in...
The Role of Migrant Scholars in the evolution and development of Islamic Schools in Jos Town, 1915-1957
Abstract This paper is an examination of the migration of Islamic scholars to Jos Town and the consequential establishment of Islamic school...